Hello! You have reached Knomad Music Booking Central. If you are interested in booking a show at Knomad Bar please send me an e-mail and please include the following:
–Links to music so I can hear what you sound like
–A Bio/Photos
–YouTube or other videos ( if you have any)
Any other info is always appreciated. Please keep in mind not everyone is a good fit for the room, so if you don’t hear back from me, please don’t take it personally. If I think you will work here, I will be in touch. Have a great day!
The Knomad has a number of options available for helping you with your event/party/??? that makes it the perfect spot for small to mid-sized groups. We’d be glad to either assist you with catering options for food or help implement whatever you have planned.
The Knomad comes equipped with equipment to connect to our video projectors for computers or other media and we have a stage and a PA system for bands, speakers, etc.
If interested in booking the Knomad for an event contact us here.